Wednesday 30 September 2009

Hemorrhoids - Rid Yourself! 10 Proven Hemorrhoids Remedies!

Here's a helpful list of the top 10 hemorrhoid remedies that have been proven to help get rid of piles:

1) Horse Chestnut - has properties that help to increase blood flow and firm up the tissues in the surrounding areas. It's also a very powerful anti inflamatory so is good at soothing and calming the whole area.

It's not adviseable to use it if you have any problems with your liver and/or kidneys and definitely not if you're pregnant of breastfeeding.

2) To stop itching and painful hemorrhoids (is there any other type!) try mixing baptisia extract and lobelia equally with some zinc sulphate and water, and use it by soaking some cotton wool and cleaning the area with it.

3) A do-it-yourself version of preparation h can be made by mixing sulphur into a suspension of vaseline. It's a good pain relief - very soothing.

4) Pat the area with some cotton wool soaked in witch hazel. Witch hazel has anti septic properties and is also good at naturally constricting the blood flow.

5) If your suffering with bleeding hemorrhoids then you can stop the bleeding by drinking a glass of water with a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with each meal. You can also apply it neat to the area using cotton wool.

6) Doctors can offer thermotherapy - this is very good for shrinking the hemorrhoids.

7) Another solution that can be applied directly to the hemorrhoids is a spoonful of alum mixed with water.

8) If you don't fancy drinking the apple cider vinegar tincture then you could try doing the same but using cayenne pepper instead for the same result.

9) Echinacea, directly applied is an effective remedy to relieve itching and pain.

10) Mix equal quantities of lard and calomel and use directly as a cream.

These should relief the symptoms of your hemorrhoids but in order to be free of them for good then a far more in depth program needs to be done.

To find out more about hemorrhoids visit Hemorrhoids Rid

Monday 21 September 2009

Incredible Treatment For Hemorrhoids!

Hemorrhoids, sometimes named piles, will often be a excruciating state, and unfortunately, also a very familiar one that affects both men and women. Piles are essentially distended veins that have been expanded under pressure and might build up owing to weakened tissue in the vicinity of the anus and rectum.

As soon as you suffer from this distressing condition, you are more apt to look for any kinds of information that may help you find out how to manage piles and discover speedy reprieve. Here you will hit upon a few beneficial things that you can carry out when you seek the reprieve of such sore conditions as hemorrhoids:

- Primarily check with your general practitioner for information about piles and for their recommendations as they are conscious of your health record and may have extra treatment options you aren’t aware of.

- Complete some research and learn what could cause or even intensify the condition of piles. Some people have returning problems with piles. You want to know what you can do to inhibit the return of piles.

- Avoid the frequent desire of overusing topical hemorrhoid creams as while they do really help to lessen symptoms, too much tends to aggravate the condition resulting in even more discomfort, and none of these creams are capable of actually treating the starting place of the trouble.

- To prohibit piles from bleeding, lightly wash the zone with apple cider vinegar, and for relief from itching, pain, and distress, try witch hazel or a mixture of petroleum jelly and sulfur applied with cotton swabs or alcohol-free, scent-free baby wipes.

- Horse chestnut is helpful as an herbal supplement, because it improves blood flow, which may help strengthen the connecting tissues surrounding a damaged vein that could become a pile. It may furthermore assist in reducing the redness and distension of hemorrhoids.

- Avoid the distress and inflammation of hemorrhoids by keeping the area fresh. However, take care not to irritate the spot by over washing and do not use pungent soaps. Rinsing the spot well and meticulously is helpful as well.

- Include a daily exercise workout, to help develop your general good health, although avoiding the sitting upon any hard surface for a long time.

- You may achieve softer stools while drinking a lot of water every day. Remember to take in fiber-rich foods into your daily plan, such as heaps of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

One of the very most vital things you can do to help yourself when it comes to coping with piles is to unwind and try not to stress or worry about having them. Hemorrhoids are repeatedly connected with the old or with expectant women, but the truth is that everyone can be affected by them at any age, and having them is undoubtedly nothing to be self-conscious about.

Hemorrhoids can be dreadfully uncomfortable and they may be painful as well; however, you are not by yourself in this fight to feel well again. They are a passing problem and they may go away on their own. With just a minor effort on your part, you can never have to deal with hemorrhoids again. They are not a life-threatening health risk even though they may feel like they are help is available.


Tuesday 28 July 2009

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

If you've got hemorrhoids during pregnancy then foremost you have to have a brief description of what piles are. they're just veins inside the anus that have become swollen and aggravated. The veins become so engorged with trapped blood that the vein walls sometimes become so pressured that they tear and cause hemorrhaging. The inflammation and swelling not only makes it difficult to keep the area clean, it also becomes very sore, swollen and painful.

Don't depair, there are steps you can take in the comfort of your home environment that will help to relieve the symptoms of the hemorrhoids. These remedies are a really effective way of facilitating some short term relief from the symptoms however you'll need a solidly, tested program if you want to treat the cause and prevent any further reoccurences.


A great starting point is to have a warm bath and totally submerge yourself for at least fifteen minutes. Putting a cup of salt into the bath water should aid the cleaning of the area and promote healing too.

Mango and also the fruit's seeds are commonly acknowledged as a good food to take in fighting constipation and cleaning the bowel. These can be purchased dried and then powdered and can be kept in an air tight container. Use the power once or twice daily either on it's own or mixed with some honey.

Aloe Vera in liquid form should be soaked onto some cotton wool and patted on the anal area, this helps to reduce the burning that piles tend to give. You may also do similar with witch hazel as this has natural anti septic and anti inflammatory characteristics so is a great soothing agent to take down inflammation in the area.

Making an infusion of water and coriander seeds, straining the seeds out then drinking the water will stop any bleeding that you could be having.

Cranberries are not only perfect for cystitis, they're known as a good pain reliever too. The cranberries are best used in the form of suppositories to get focused pain relief. Using a food blender may be the best method to make them into a mulsch, then just place a tiny amount in a cheesecloth to make a DIY suppository.

The same can be done with radishes but instead of using them as a suppository, use them as a topical treatment. To do this you'll need to make the radish into a pulp adding some milk to it, then apply to the affected area. You may do this overnight to keep the mess to a minimum. If you're not too squeemish you can also drink radish juice. If you can stand this then it's a great way to lower the painful swelling.

All these foods, solutions, ointments and poultices should give you a temporary relief from piles and can be used for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. That aside, a properly tested program is required in order to give you a permanent cure with no further attacks.

Monday 27 July 2009

Are You Asking Yourself "How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last?"

The query on all hemorrhoid sufferers lips is always "how long do hemorrhoids last?" Hemorrhoids are an extremely uncomfortable affliction at the best of times. When pain attacks it's usual to be taken over with the desire to know when it's going to finish.

The irony of having piles is that despite them being a common affliction it's one of the little talked about problem so discovering the right knowledge can be problematic when asking "how long do hemorrhoids last?"

The information that you're reading here could hopefully answer that question for you and put your mind at ease. There are several points that you have to be aware of with piles. Mild cases of piles could only take a few days to go and not require too much interference to help them on their way whilst the more chronic and serious hemorrhoids could go as far as leaving you facing surgery. "How long do hemorrhoids last?" is a question that needs to be answered in many sections to cover all the varying types. In order for you to give yourself an estimate of timescale your must first establish how bad your condition is.

An unexpected attack as a result of your stools becoming hard and difficult to pass could well disappear very quickly, some drugs can cause this to happen and once your body rebalances itself the piles should go. You just need to allow the swelling and inflammation to subside. To be a bit more specific, attacks like these generally last somewhere in the region of a week to a fortnight.

Should you be battling with thrombosed or prolapsed piles then you may very well be looking at a long ride. These kinds of piles are just about as terrible as it gets, and it goes without saying that they are the most painful. The surgery used in this kind of proceedure is no walk in the park. Healing time after the surgery is lengthy and by no means without discomfort often showing to be more painful than the piles. Regrettably the procedure doesn't ensure that they won't return again and you could end up going down the same course again.

Thrombosed and prolapsed hemorrhoids are often offered the following:

Rubber band ligation - this is where the doctor ties a rubber band around the root of the hemorrhoid in an attempt to starve it of it's blood supply and then reduce them. This procedure is unpleasant and the results may take around seven to ten days in total.

Another proceedure is infrared coagulation. This treatment is widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The focus is for the the infrared to halt the blood flow to the pile. On a plus note this procedure is relatively pain free and requires a few trips to the doctors. You'll probably find that you don't feel any benefit from this treatment for quite a few weeks though.

Hemorrhoidectomy - Arguably the most drastic action that there is for treating hemorrhoids. Healing time is a long (probably up to two months). The piles are basically cut away in this procedure.

As you can see, there's no clear cut answer to the question of "how long do hemorrhoids last?" as every case varies considerably and doesn't take into account other therapies that are now available that quicken healing with less discomfort.

Thursday 11 June 2009

What Is An Effective Treatment For Hemorrhoids

A fact that most of us aren't aware of is that most of us have internal hemorrhoids. It's not easy to get rid of piles unless you're armed with the correct knowledge, unless you attack the root cause you're almost certain to have repeat attacks.

A closer look at the way you're living your life is the first focus. Fast foods that are low in fibre and lacking in essential vitamins and minerals are a big culprit. Parts of the World where people eat more cereal based diets don't tend to fall victims of hemorrhoids.

Certain changes to your diet have to be made but these don't have to be unpleasant or even that drastic. High protien diets are renowned for slowing down bowel movements and creating firmer stools, so a reduction in meat is a good idea. Likewise, dehydration is also a contributary factor for constipation or overly firm stools.

Starting your program to get rid of piles is always more beneficial if you begin with a good colon cleanse. Colon cleansers are dramatically different from laxatives as they are far gentler on the stomach and bowel and far more effective . It's been said that the average adult carries anything between four and thirty pounds of faeces in their bowels. Clearing that away not only freshens up the system but can help eliminate other unpleasant side effects like bad breath and stomach cramps. Laxatives should only be short term fixes if you're really suffering from constipation as prolonged use could lead to the muscles of the intestines to become weakened and redundant.

The worst outcome is that you could become dependent on laxatives in order to pass a stool.
Foods that are high in fibre can easily be implemented to your every day diet to aid the digestive process and naturally keep bowel movements regular and strain free. Try eating cereal and drinking fruit juice in the morning for breakfast instead of eggs, bacon and coffee. Certain fruits such as grapes, raspberries and raisins can easily be taken with you to work and eaten as snacks instead of biscuits and chocolate. There's a link between foods that are high in fat with colon health so avoidance of these foods is wise. Replace fries with a jacket potato instead and eat the skin as this contains the majority of the fibre and vitamins.

Following a good program can get rid of piles permanently even if you're piles are so bad that you're facing surgery, it is possible to turn that situation round if you want to. Alas, even surgery will not guarantee that you get rid of piles permanently although it will get rid of the ones causing a problem at the present time. As surgery doesn't address the cause of the piles in the first place you could well find yourself in the position of having to have more surgery in the future.

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