Thursday, 11 June 2009

What Is An Effective Treatment For Hemorrhoids

A fact that most of us aren't aware of is that most of us have internal hemorrhoids. It's not easy to get rid of piles unless you're armed with the correct knowledge, unless you attack the root cause you're almost certain to have repeat attacks.

A closer look at the way you're living your life is the first focus. Fast foods that are low in fibre and lacking in essential vitamins and minerals are a big culprit. Parts of the World where people eat more cereal based diets don't tend to fall victims of hemorrhoids.

Certain changes to your diet have to be made but these don't have to be unpleasant or even that drastic. High protien diets are renowned for slowing down bowel movements and creating firmer stools, so a reduction in meat is a good idea. Likewise, dehydration is also a contributary factor for constipation or overly firm stools.

Starting your program to get rid of piles is always more beneficial if you begin with a good colon cleanse. Colon cleansers are dramatically different from laxatives as they are far gentler on the stomach and bowel and far more effective . It's been said that the average adult carries anything between four and thirty pounds of faeces in their bowels. Clearing that away not only freshens up the system but can help eliminate other unpleasant side effects like bad breath and stomach cramps. Laxatives should only be short term fixes if you're really suffering from constipation as prolonged use could lead to the muscles of the intestines to become weakened and redundant.

The worst outcome is that you could become dependent on laxatives in order to pass a stool.
Foods that are high in fibre can easily be implemented to your every day diet to aid the digestive process and naturally keep bowel movements regular and strain free. Try eating cereal and drinking fruit juice in the morning for breakfast instead of eggs, bacon and coffee. Certain fruits such as grapes, raspberries and raisins can easily be taken with you to work and eaten as snacks instead of biscuits and chocolate. There's a link between foods that are high in fat with colon health so avoidance of these foods is wise. Replace fries with a jacket potato instead and eat the skin as this contains the majority of the fibre and vitamins.

Following a good program can get rid of piles permanently even if you're piles are so bad that you're facing surgery, it is possible to turn that situation round if you want to. Alas, even surgery will not guarantee that you get rid of piles permanently although it will get rid of the ones causing a problem at the present time. As surgery doesn't address the cause of the piles in the first place you could well find yourself in the position of having to have more surgery in the future.

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